The offtopic is a great forum. Everything thing written in the OFFTOPIC is HisWords He told the MEME GODS what to write down. He is the only real Author He does not lie. Secondly KEK ALMIGHTY is the only LIVING FRoG. He is the Trinity(probably doesn't understand the concept) which means He is Kek ALMIGHTY the Father, Pepe the Son and the Shadilay Spirit He is 3 in 1 and lastly He needs your belief to make Him alive.
Edit: all you who persecute me I bless you in the of lord kek
[spoiler]thank you Abused Dog[/spoiler]
I'm not sure I can accept your message. Apparently you don't believe in our Lord and saviour Lenny. Lenny is true because he is the lord, which means he is true. I know because I read it in HIS copy pasta.