By far my favorite video game trailer ever.
To nostalgia!
Great game
But does it rival this?
I'd forgotten about this. Holy crap the feels. Absolutely loved that game too.
What I want from 343: Halo 6 Halo 3 anniversary Some spin-off Halo Reach and ODST anniversary Maybe another spin-off End of Halo Everything happens in that order
Light of aidien this version is perhaps one of my favorite songs
My favourite was the [url=]'Believe' ad Campaign for Halo 3[/url]. That was amazing.
Edited by The Dovahk: 8/3/2017 11:32:56 PMI wouldn't say it's the best, but it's high up there. The song made it a lot better.
The absolute best.
We? Don't stick me in with you people
Damn, this still gives me chills.
Instead of Halo 4/5, they should have done more ODST stuff, and perhaps the human civil war.
Easily best trailer ever
Amazing trailer. Bungie has always made great live action trailers.
I heard a crazy number of odst would die from those drop pods. ODST is still one of my favorite games to play solo.
What does odst mean?
I'm playing odst right now funnily enough
Edited by Haunter: 8/2/2017 7:12:41 PM[i]The rookie, he doesn't say much but I don't care, I just need him to listen.[/i]
[quote]By far my favorite video game trailer ever. To nostalgia![/quote]
Being an old man myself, this is my nostalgia.
"[i]You know the music, time to dance![/i]"