originally posted in:Destiny Fiction Producers
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Hi, all! This is another facet of Rezyl Azzir/Dredgen Yor (gamer tag Basket34Ball) Paradox story, told from the perspective of James' rival Dredgen Yor in a series of journal entries. This only complements the series, so you won't get the full experience just reading this. This is a link to the Table of Contents:
If you're ambitious, here's the first part to get you started:
Hope you enjoy!
[u][b]Entry 1679[/b][/u]
[u][b]Largely unsolicited by subject[/b][/u]
Ou' m' way, Shhrimp. Wha'ssh it look like I'm doin'? 'M gettin' a drink. Yeah? F*** off.
*bottles clink together*
No. Yeah. I SHAID NO!! Gawd, yer shupposed to shtand behind everything I do, ya little twerp! Jusht shut up and...where'sh the shtrong shtuff? I al'eddy drank i' all? Can't be right, don't rem'mber drinkin' it all...
*bottle smashes*
I FEEL LIKE A DAMN EXO! Ev'ybody I know, ev'ybody I see, [i]dead[/i] in big pile at my [i]feet![/i] I killed them, Shrimp, [i]I killed them![/i] They shtare at me wi' glassy eyes, stinkin' up m' nose with their blood, AND THEY WON'T LEAVE ME ALONE!!
And...on top of 'em all there'sh...there'sh...
*uncontrollable sobbing*
*impact as person falls on broken glass*
- Dredge, what's going on, are -- Oh God, Dredgen, your [i]hands[/i]! Where did the glass come from? -
Thei-he-heir blood'sh on m' ha-hands, Ana. YOUR BLOOD'S ON MY HANDS!
- Shh...shh...They're just dreams Dredgen, just dreams. No one's dead. I'm still here-- -
I killed you. I killed James. I killed the Vanguard, I killed our fireteam, [i]I killed them all![/i] It didn't leave! The Darkness is shtill here, I thought it wash gone, but it'sh shtill here! WHY WON'T IT LEAVE ME ALONE?!?
- ...The Darkness never goes away, Dredgen. It waits for us when we're our most vulnerable, when our guard is down, to hit us where it hurts the most. You can't fight it by yourself. You [i]won't[/i]. Not while I'm here. -
I can't lose you, Ana. I can't...I can't...
- Shh...you won't. I promise.
*crying is heard off in the distance*
- Damn it, Travis must have woken up Courtney again. Shrimp, do something with his hands, please, while I go deal with them -- What's that? The Vanguard? What do they want? -
- Oh, God. Get him healed and sobered up, now! -
Ana? What's--
-The Fallen! Scouts are saying they're a day away from surrounding the City! -
Shameless RE-BOOT Paradox 2 bump