Not as much as there is in Halo 5. OP is getting a lot of hate, but again, people in these threads aren't in high school yet so it makes sense that they are whining. In Destiny, people will teabag as if their lives depended on it, even if you die to their super. In Halo, if one literally outplays you then they will do the acceptable teabag. Teabags in this game are seriously abused and people that overdo it need to seek help.
Ok. The point is, it's a game. Tbagging bothering a person proves they're pretty immature and pay attention to the littlest of things. I laugh when i get tbagged, and tbag them back. We exchange tbags(lol), go back to matchmaking and never see each other again. If we happen to match up, we tbag like old times.