I main a hunter. The Bladedancer in D1 is probably the most useless PVE class, and not just because it takes so many invis perks in order to be efficient with it. The main reason is that every single other super in the game becomes useful in boss encounters, even if not in raids, then in strikes.
Nightstalker, Defender, and Sunsinger could all augment damage to make sure everyone did added damage to the boss. Voidwalker, Striker and Gunslinger could all do a lot of damage very quickly, and despite the melee range of their super Strikers would regularly live through AoE attacks. And the other two damage-over-time supers for Stormcaller and Sunbreaker had enough range to avoid AoE attacks.
But Bladedancer would not live through enough AoE attacks in order to do enough damage to make it worthwhile. Sure, you could kill a couple adds (about as much as a Striker) but being the ONLY super that couldn't help made it worth less than running a Nightstalker even for an Arc modifier strike.
When I saw that Striker and Arcstrider were BOTH going to have melee-over-time supers, I thought it would suck. A LOT. I thought that they'd both be worthless against bosses. But running Arcstrider and Striker against Protheon was successful on most occasions. You could put a whole super's worth of damage into them and still live.
I'm not sure why. Maybe it was fewer AoE attacks being used by the boss, maybe our guardians were more armored, but either way, they made them useful against bosses, and after I stopped using Bladedancer in HoW (Khepri's Sting made for controllable invis on Gunslinger and Celestial Nighthawk made Golden GUn extremely effective) I'm looking forward to Arcstrider in Destiny 2.
Now if they'd just fix the Hunter dodge and synergies...
I still say that poledancer needs to be attack on trigger like fist of panic. That little dodge thing doesn't make up for the fact that titans are at their worst much faster than hunters, and titans get an attack on trigger just *boom* and you're down. Having the arcstaff do a sweeping attack if triggered on the ground or if triggered in the air, giving you a brief moment to aim before shooting forward like a lance at a single target like death from above would go a long way to making the super feel worth while. As it is, titans super may not have "combat combos"... But it doesn't need the,... Just boom bam smash crunch and everyones dead. The pole dancer might look neater, but that does't help if you're not able to get kills with it.