Was bored last night so I started painting. I haven't painted in years cuz I was never too great at it. This ones ok though I guess.
Using this as a reference
You say you're not to good but it's still better than anything I'll paint. I can [i][b]only[/b][/i] draw with pencils and I'm not great at it. [url=http://i.imgur.com/pGOyZeo.jpg]This is probably the best thing I'll draw. Ever. Mostly because I didn't draw arms or legs since I couldn't figure out how to do it.[/url]
ALL HAIL PLANKT-wait, wrong villain.
Reference link doesn't work
Amazing work. Looks unfinished, so when you get it done you better post an update.
It looks amazing! Can't wait until it's all finished! Revan was my favorite Sith and Jedi, i'd love to see an Old Republic series around The Mandalorian Wars and seeing him in action, that or a KOTOR 1 remaster/remake.
Have you ever heard the tragedy of KotoR the non-canon?
Make Kotor canon again!
Darth turtle is the one true lord of the sith
One of the best Star Wars stories.
With Revan being my my favorite Sith [i]and[/i] jedi I'll say this is awesome.
I think Darth Revan is awesome.
Misread that as watermelon painting
I misread that as watercooler and thought you worked at an office with a boss who's a big star wars fan.
Edited by Seldser: 8/11/2017 5:42:52 PMI want one of these Edit: have you heard of Apeiron: KotOR?
Looking good.
That's awesome!
Come to think of it, my Lord Revan from KOTOR was female. Pretty dope painting. Repost when you finish.
Somebody give a shit pls