[spoiler]*A Wild Gringo has appeared*[/spoiler]
I know Abortion is a sore subject especially on the opinionated #Offtopic. I also know what I say won't change anybody's mind, and that is fine. I simply ask you to keep an open mind when I talk about this. It is an important subject that needs to be discussed.
I would like to address two things about abortion; when should it be allowed, and how women who get abortions can do to cope with such an event.
[b]When Should Abortion Be Allowed?[/b]
Often times when talking about abortion, the argument is brought up that a woman should only abort when the fetus isn't "a fully developed human". I wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment. Some claim past the first trimester it is too late for an abortion. Others past the first 3 months of pregnancy. I, however, feel these estimates are too inaccurate when discussing the transition to a living, sentient, human. That is why I propose that parents should be able to abort their children up until they are an age of 26 years old. As we all know, humans aren't fully developed until they reach their mid twenties If they are on your healthcare plan, they are on your abortion plan.
[b]How People Who Have Abortions Should Cope[/b] Abortion is hard for anybody, especially when it is a child you have raised for 12 years that you are aborting. These women may undergo pressure from family, friends, society, and even themselves when making such a life changing decision. I support the "Ticket Method", to help those women. To put it simply, when a woman gets an abortion, she receives a small card, and has a hole punched in it. Each time she gets another abortion she has another hole punched in that card. After her third abortion, she gets a choice of receiving assisted suicide, or a free cup of frozen yogurt, the equivalent of a $6 value.
[b]In Conclusion[/b]
I hope you found this informational and perhaps it even opened your eyes to a new point of view. Even if you disagreed with it, I thank you for keeping an open mind. I ask you commenting to please be civil, even if you disagree with something someone says.
Thanks for reading!
If abortion is murder, wanking is genocide.