With For Honor being free to play this weekend I thought I'd try it out since I wanted to in the beginning but yet heard nothing but bad reviews on the servers.
So far the game really stands out and is actually a wonderful game to play. The biggest issue I've run into, people staying in a game. I started off with control. The mode was fun and our team was doing great, but as time went on my team went from 4, to 3, then 3 to 2, while the enemy team only lost 1 person. By about 3 minutes in the match, I get an unknown connection error, which is insanely weird since combat was fine and no one was lagging.
Now this isn't looking good, I've heard about the connection issues and bad servers for awhile, but I decide to give it another go. I waited 5 minutes to get into a skirmish, I'll give it the benefit of the doubt since it had medium activity. We get into the match and it's 4v3 with the other team getting a bot. We start playing, out team kills one guy, a guy on our team leaves. Next a guy on the enemy team leaves, then another on our team. Soon it's like 2v2 with 2v2 bots. Then, I get booted.
Now before you ask my NAT, it's open, so what's up here? Is this a common issue or should I give up on this free to play weekend and wait till [url=http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2017-07-28-for-honor-to-get-dedicated-servers]they get dedicated servers[/url]?
After the free weekend of basically 72 hours, I was able to complete 2 matches and participate in 20 matches before being kicked for unknown connection errors. Honestly, that's bad. Imma go back to overwatch.
Is it still full of "muh honor!" whingebags?