Today I want to recap about the video I did on all of the promotions that Bungie has going on for Destiny 2 as well as what's going on with the pre-order numbers. I'm here to clarify a few things.
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Activision’s Earnings Report for Q2:”
Destiny 2: So Many Promos, Is Bungie Getting Desperate? Part 1
I like cats
Oh no they are advertising their game! They must be really desperate.
It's called marketing. Standard practice really ..
Since when does doing business mean you're desperate?
I remember all the commercials and stuff for D1.
Most likely not. The game is popular. This is what happens to popular games, they market the shiet out of them.
Thank god youtube is banned in my country.
Know who else is desperate? You.
I'm sure everything would've been close to the same even if Destiny 2 was projected to make billions. All of this is just how Activision operates.
It's cute that you think promotional deals happen overnight, but the reality of the situation is that these deals & plans were made months ago. They've had a marketing strategy long before they showed it to you.