In one of the gameplay videos I saw that Lost Sectors were marked on the map. I am very much against this. I thought the idea was that they were there for you to discover. If we already know the location of them then what are we really discovering? Coming across one without knowing its there would be SO much better, so much more special and way more memorable. It would be a defining moment in the game to look back on in the future... To find a hidden area and wonder if anyone else has found it. If you mark it on the map then it seems like just another thing that the developers laid out for you to go and do. Like a task. You should want your players to be doing something out in the wild, only to be sidetracked by something that they themselves discovered and wanted to look into. I think it will be a hugely missed opportunity to give them all away by marking them on the map.
Thank you for reading.
I hear ya, but the map just informs of the general vicinity. You still have to snoop around and find/locate the entrances.