When the PC Beta launched, many twitch users and youtubers were uploading videos where they were BANNED from the Beta (most cases temporarily) for using certain applications within the game.
They were confused, as some of them did not know the apps were not supported by the game; or why they were getting BANNED for something Bungie said they wouldn't be banned for.
The general consensus was that Bungie "WASN'T" banning them for using the apps, but that the "Cheat Detector" (or whatever they are calling it) was tripping up on programs that tried to add/edit the code within the game client.
On either side of the argument, Bungie eventually stated that they "ARE NOT" banning people, however, there are THOUSANDS of videos on youtube, and HUNDREDS of videos on twitch of people getting BANNED from the D2 Beta, ranging from simply signing into the Client; to using some of the apps originally listed in this thread (in a way not designed.)
I realize that COZMO replied to this thread saying that the Bans/Removals were not true. Maybe he is paid to say this. Maybe Bungie is lying to us (like they have many times before) because they are in "Damage Control" mode with this disastrous PC Beta Release. I don't know.
This is fact. There is proof. The internet exists.
Is Bungie doing it on purpos? Cozmo says NO. But it is happening.
Since an employee has denounced my post, I have no reason to argue with him. However, he's wrong. Yes, that's right, I'm calling out a Bungie employee and I won't step back.
I didn't make this post to attack Bungie. I made this post to help people who couldn't find out why they were getting banned for no reason. The beta exists to correct these mistakes.
It's a shame Bungie is simply claiming they don't exist.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9y9A9qkymuk BUNGIE COVER UP IS IN PROGRESS
Edited by Kaua: 10/26/2017 4:10:40 AMJust got banned after playing for 2 hours. This is ridiculous. Bungie must do something about it. ****** UNBANNED AT APPROX> 10:00 PM EST ***** THANK YOU TO ALL THAT SUPPORTED THE PLAYER BASE THAT WERE EFFECTED BY THIS UNFORTUNATE EVENT. THANK YOU BUNGIE FOR HEARING OUR SIDE. BLESSINGS.
Man of the people
They announced a good while back that their anti cheat detection will ban for using certain common mods. Pretty sure it was the ones that try to mess with the game code. Given how many ways console players have found to cheat in D1, it makes since they'd do this for PC.
Edited by Loyalpayer: 8/30/2017 5:25:23 AMThey mislead and lie constantly. Honestly just dont back them with your cash it ends up being an abusive one sided deal where you pay to be lied to.
Heaven forbid that people on pc read the info released by destiny that states what programs will or wont work with it.
Game has Aimbot Aim assist. Game has laughable minute character building. Game has immense grind for minimal and lackluster loot. Game has acidic console fanboys flooding the PC community. Game has been cancelled from my pre-order.
I mean, I really get being disappointed about their ability to actually play-test the game. But, things like this are what a beta is for. This is exactly when you want something like this to happen. In beta. The point of every beta is to test the game, sometimes that testing is not limited to just playing the game.
This is not true. You will not get banned for using any of the apps mentioned in this post, but they may be un-compatible with Destiny 2 when using certain or features. In short, the game might not run properly but you aren't getting banned just for running them.
PC gamers get so triggered lol
Thousands of videos on YouTube, lol , could you possibly stretch that any further? I'm not about to say there is or isn't a problem. I spent about two hours on YouTube last night watching just about any D2 video there was. By the way there wasn't one video about people being banned.
Bungie themselves said that any program trying to insert code will be banned. If they're getting banned, the video capture that they are using is not supported
So what would you rather have? A strict anti-cheat which will ban some people using programs that alter code. Or a basic anti-cheat which cheaters can by-pass and completely ruin the game.
Worst thing about these forums is they mixed water and oil. Got a bunch of console gamers trying to tell us what we can and can't do on PC. I've been gaming on PC for years, the only game really plagued with hackers is GTA5.
honestly nobody really cares streamers are boring and youtubers already got flown out to bungie to play d2 if they were important at all in the community
That's just Bungies way of saying thanks. I cannot wait to see PC gamers absolutely pic this game apart
The second PC was announced i said they were going to beat the shit outta destiny/bungie. Its a different breed of gamer and there are lots of expectations that games have to live up too. Its going to be a toxic mess at release LOLOLOLOLOLOL
You mean it auto-detects people's bullshit? I am reassured of the condition of PC D2 now.
Programmer 1: "Oops" Programmer 2: "Oops? What do you mean 'Oops?'"
Cheaters gonna' cheat. Bungie's gonna' ban.
It's a BETA. The point of a BETA is to find problems so they are fixed prior to release. Who cares if Bungle doesn't acknowledge it? They have to be 100% sure and wouldn't you rather they collect the data and fix it all at once instead of taking the servers down temporarily?
You seem quite angry. Calm down, get yourself a cup of coffee and enjoy your undoubtedly wonderful day.
Edited by RPColten: 8/30/2017 1:25:16 AMI think there is a difference between some employees going in, reviewing a persons history, information then giving a ban or an anti-cheat program having some possible faults which results in some unintended ban status that is lifted. Regardless, if someone willing went into this beta running multiple third-party applications, they should take the extra five minutes to explore the developers statement that explains which third-party applications won't be compatible and may trip up the cheat-detection system.
The PC gaming community is going to absolutely destroy Bungie. There is going to be massive cheating. If they couldn't stop console cheaters, pc is inevitable.
link a vid or it didn't happen