originally posted in:PC Clan Finder
Clan Owner: Echomatch
A bit about us:
Foredawn is a new clan, originally formed in the summer of 2017 by two college kids in a dorm together.
We have members that have been playing the original Destiny since its launch and have kept up with Destiny 2 through multiple stages of Beta. There is currently over a Decade of combined Destiny experience in this guild alone.
Our Goal:
To make an active and large community spanning throughout Destiny. A central hub for many different individuals to be able to connect and play far easier than if you were alone.
All in all, our clan is open to everyone no matter what your goal is in the game. With the connections based through our clan, we can help with Raids, Challenges, Patrols, and Competitive play with good communication. Also, if you just want a place to talk with other Destiny players, our Clan is always active and friendly.
If you are interested in joining, message OfficialLost#1238 for the Discord Server
If you don't have discord, it is free, and extremely easy to download. If there is no one currently active in the chat, leave a message with a way for us to get back to you and I promise we will. Best of luck to all!
Battlenet name and #:
Discord name:
Bungie Name:
Do you have a mic?:
What is your timezone(we operate in central timezone):
Here is our Discord Channel, (Please join):https://discord.gg/NDpDaaB
Please take the time to add one of our admins on Battlenet OfficialLost#1238
(Just note, we operate under Central time zone, we can make all time zones work for you however)
Motto: We should conceive ourselves not as rulers of the Earth, but as highly powerful, conscious stewards.
Battlenet name and #: itsN9notN7 #17172242 Discord name: TheModedAssassin #2154 Bungie Name: itsN9notN7 Do you have a mic: Yes Timezone: EST
Battle.net: Bobirakos#2113 Discord: Bobirakos#1078 Bungie name: Bobirakos Mic?: yes Timezone: GMT+2
Battle.net: McCreasy#2524 Discord: william#5478 Bungie name: McCreasy Mic?: yes Timezone: Central European
Battlenet: ch87#2204 Discord: ch87#1560 Bungie: ch87 Mic: Yes Timezone: Central European
Battlenet name and #: BoB#11919 Discord name: BoBtheJanitor23 Bungie Name: BoBtheJan1t0r Do you have a mic?: yes EDT
Battlenet name and #: Rooben#11968 Discord name: Roobean#2363 Bungie Name: Rooben Do you have a mic?: Yes What is your timezone(we operate in central timezone): EST
Battlenet name and #:LazySithlord#1930 Discord name:atrain7308 Bungie Name:Lazy Sithlord73 Do you have a mic?: Yes What is your timezone: Central
Hi, I would like to join the clan Battlenet: HiroAntheara#2908 Discord: HiroAntheara#5192 Bungie: HiroAntheara Do you have a mic?: Yes (3) Time Zone: UTC+2
Would love to join. Battlenet: Heartsworth#2954 Discord: Heartsworth#6774 Bungie: Heartsworth Do you have a mic?: 4... :') Time Zone: UTC+2
I want to join BattleNet: Waltz#11341 Discord: waltzwu#4035 Bungie: Waltz Mic: Yes Time Zone: Pacific Time zone
Battle.net merk0#1490 Bungie Merk0 Discord Merk0 with usa flag as profile pic Yes I have a mic I am east coast
Battlenet name and #: Skelemang#11630 Discord name: ww#2901 Bungie Name: Skelemang 15412304 Do you have a mic?: yep What is your timezone(we operate in central timezone): central I'm mostly interested in PvE but I hold my own in PvP.
Yes id like to join love the name
Join this group and post your Clan here https://www.bungie.net/en/Groups/Forum?groupId=2099791
Battle.net: VerZ #11643 Discord: VerZ#8895 Bungie.net: VerZ Mic: Yes, don't talk much though Timezone: PST
Edited by Gernader: 9/1/2017 1:39:07 AMBattlenet name and #: Gernader #11499 Discord name: Gernader_ #6154 Bungie name: L Gernader L Mic: YES Timezone: Eastern Time Zone
Looking forward to release and joining an active Clan. Battlenet: Drunkmonkey#1996 Bungie: Drunk Discord: Drunk#6969 Microphone.... Check Eastern Time Zone
Hey really looking forward to join this clan also really hyped about the game played destiny 1 for two years. Battlenet : FairExample#1339 Bungie Name : FairExample Discord Name : All Champions#2224 Mic : YES Time Zone: Eastern Time
Edited by BobaBola: 8/31/2017 11:38:22 PMBattlenet-bobabola #1904 Discord-bobabola#8680 Bungie name -Boba Fett i have a mic time zone pst been playing since day one on ps4 switching to pc
I like the motto. Very well thought.
Edited by Officially Lost: 8/31/2017 5:55:24 PM!NOTICE!: Please remember to add me on the blizzard app. My battle tag is OfficialLost#1238 I am the director of Foredawn and need to be able to keep in contact with members, if you dont post the rest of your names at least contact me there one way or another. ALSO! Please remember to accept the invite to the clan ASAP or you will not be added to the lists!
BattleNet: HouseofExile#1985 Discord name: House Bungie Name: House of Winter mic: yes Time Zone: PST
Edited by Darkchild: 8/31/2017 11:17:55 PMHey there - I'm interested in joining. I played destiny on PlayStation. Now that Destiny 2 is available for PC I will be playing on PC. I would like to join your clan. Battlenet name and #: Darkchild#1799 Discord name: Darkchild#4826 Bungie Name: Darkchild Do you have a mic?: Yes What is your timezone(we operate in central timezone): Eastern Time
I'd love to join! Battlenet name and #: CSS3#1937 Discord name: CSS3#6845 Bungie Name: CSS3#15504427 Do you have a mic?: Yes What is your timezone(we operate in central timezone): Eastern Time
Join this group and post your Clan here https://www.bungie.net/en/Groups/Forum?groupId=2099791