Possibly some Tree House if a buddy comes through today for me. Otherwise I'll drink some New Glarus fruit beers and maybe throw in one of my craft ciders from Starcut Ciders if the mood strikes me.
New Glarus is legit. Lactobacillus ftw
I've got some Raspberry Tart, Serendipity and Wisconsin Belgian Red ready to go and in the fridge just waiting for me.
I'm jelly, haven't had their stuff in so long. If you ever get your hands on an Upland sour, they are def worth it.
I live in Indiana so I'm very familiar with Upland sours and have some currently. They can really pack a sour punch but the fruited ones are very good.
I live in Indy, where about are you?
Lafayette. You should check out 450 Brewing based in Columbus. They are doing some great things with their ipas/dipas and sending some of their stuff up to Indy. Also Deviate on the North Side is awesome if you've never given it a try.
Thanks for the tip, haven't heard of them. Breweries poppin up all over the place around here it's hard to keep up.