This is so useless and stupid, open your map and you can see the location of lost sectors including the gold chests.
It will show you most of them, true. But many don't appear on the map and many have their entrances quite well hidden.
I appreciate the way you calmly reply to this rude comment
I have no need to use aggression. Many won't need it, many will, no need to fight over it.
Fair enough
It doesn't show you all of them (at least from what I've found). Sure, you find most of them but I stumbled upon a very high LL lost sector that certainly was not on the map and I nearly didn't make it all the way through. I think it shows all boxes, and highlight lost sectors that are within your LL range. Once your at max LL you might be able to see them all. But I could be wrong. I just swear I didn't see a Lost Sector on the map and got my face stomped in repeatedly.
Exactly what I was thinking