Can i join? :)
Howdy, if you have an open spot feel free to invite me.
INV me - Azza997
If there is room can I get an inv?
If there's any space I'd appreciate an invite thanks
Hey man, I'd love to join! Send me an invite if you've still got a open slot.
Would also like to join if a spot opens up. PSN: Dadi0914
New clan looking for members just looking to have fun while doing raids, strikes, pvp, or anything really join and play with other members or play solo and get free rewards https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=2217551
It's full so i can't join. lol
DENOJR I need a clan
PS4/CLAN recruitment-clan name WILL change Share Clan https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2169596 If you're looking for a chilled clan to join in D2 and get awesome rewards then join-> We are bunch of friends irl hoping to grow the clan so we can get that PWECIOUS SWEET LOOT Uk
Edited by Grimmy: 9/8/2017 4:42:58 PMwould love to join PSN HUNTERZz1736
I would love to join! PSN Florantijn
I would like to join PsN- Itzlookster
I'd like to join! PSN Hellstone676
I would like to join a good group of players psn is DeltaEcho_Zer0
I'd like to join, PSName Sweapt
Can I join? PSN is Ra_Lucis_Caelum
I'll join. PSN: ImPikachew
Hey, if there is still room and you are recruiting, I would like to join. PSN Radicalfouad Thanks
I'll join! MemsJr
I'd like to join. Gwerner89
I'd like to join PSN Douthyy
I'll join! I'm very active and is always looking for fire teams!
I'll join
I would like to join if you have room