Song of flame, solar wind, orb making through brimstone+sunburst.
All fantastic support perks but Bungie refused to buff SoF and SW, leading many people to selfishly use self rez.
[b]For those who don't know, the self rez was one of three perk bonuses, not the super itself.[/b] Radiance was meant to have a moment of unleashing all your melee and grenades abilities chaotically. (With the Song of Flame perk: could be for allies too but Bungie failed to make it noticeable)
I'm very disappointed that they did not simply rework Sunsinger and opt for making it a generic roaming super.
[b][u]All they needed to do was:[/u][/b]
-Song of flame become more noticable visually (give it a large AOE rune) so that allies would flock to them for the increased regenerative properties. Making it more effective would have been nice too.
-Solar wind could have been a team buff that made nearby allies have increased movement and weapon reload speed.
-Increase the damage of grenades while in radiance just like the melee attack
-Buff HotPF because it didn't make hardly any difference since the nerf
-Scrap The self rez entirely for all i care and replace it with something else (Nearby ally's health regenerates while radiance is active.
[quote]Edit:It seems i have 4 dislikes, rather than disliking, could you tell me your opinions on why this post is bad?[/quote]