I have a question before i pick my subclass specialization can you change them from like sentinal shield to ward of dawn wanted to lnow before i locked it please and thanks in advance
You aren't locked to a specialization. You can switch at any time, provided you have them unlocked.
I believe it works like in the beta where as if you hold both bumpers for a few secs it pops the ward, and if you do a quick click release it pops the titan America shield. Specialisations is just the set of talents you want.
I'm pretty sure it's the way you press hit. Hold down r1 and r2 for ward of dawn, but press r1 and r2 lightly for the shield. I may be wrong though.
Only if you have the protector node fully leveled. You hold R1+R2 for Ward of Dawn and you click R1+R2 for Sentinel Shield.
Ah, I see. Thanks.