I'm a big fan of the Legend of Zelda, I was used to the normal 3 dungeons then plot twist/master sword then seven more dungeons and final boss sequence that most games had. I was impressed by how big Hyrule was and was eager to see it, but I encountered a major problem: I didn't have a Switch. It took me about 2 months of avoiding all spoilers and videos to find one and I did and holy crap. This game blew me away.
Now, this game admittedly had a weak startup, the tutorial took me about 4 hours because I exploring every single thing. The game had obvious problems like the "why do all my weapons break at the worst possible times?" scenario and the "Link its a 35 degree slope get up" scenario. The game had really good moments, whether I was riding through Hyrule on my horse or freezing Bokoblins and pushing them off cliffs, the game was endlessly fun.
I've beat it on Master Mode by now and played it dry. I gave up on Trial of the Sword for Master Mode because of the Silver Lizalfos in the Beginner Trials. All that's left is the next DLC, whcih looks good. I know its old news and nobody really talks about this game, but I've heard mixed reviews about it. What do you guys think?
Overall the game is outstanding. I still think it's the best game to release so far this year. I do have some gripes. The story is abysmal and voice acting can be cringe inducing. There was a marked lack of memorable characters compared to past Zelda games. And the dungeons, while containing some neat mechanics, were short and aesthetically uninspired. Boss battles were also some of the weakest in a Zelda series leaving the end to be a bit anti-climactic. If Nintendo uses the blueprint of this game to make a followup in the next 2-3 years ala OoT to MM and makes some improvements it would be so -blam!-ing good.