Ok, I had stopped going on the forums after ROI because the forums had become so toxic and I felt I was pretty much done with the game. Since destiny 2 came out I got back on because of all the clan stuff, and I thought the forums would have recovered. But almost the minute I got back on, I realized that it had only gotten worse. HALF the posts on these forums say that destiny is bad, and already a thousand complaints. The funny part is all the people posting this stuff are people who have been playing D1 for a long long time and have made considerable progress in D2. But my least favorite part is when people try to post a pray for Florida post and people INSTANTLY make comments trying to bash and insult religion. That is horrible, especially because I was so excited to play D2 and be a part of this community again and they this happens. I thought playing video games was supposed to be a fun and positive experience, not another way for people to insult each other. The world in general is not doing the best right now, and video games is one way for people to come together in a positive way. It doesn't make sense how the destiny community does great things like guardian con fundraising stuff but throws all that good away with these horrible comments. This is not what Bungie intended destiny or these forums.
"Half the posts", lmao no. There aren't many hate posts and toxicity since release. No idea what you're talking about. Most people are civilized and happy with Destiny 2. Also this is a videogame forum and many of us don't want to read that hurricane crap here. We are here to talk about the videogame, to have fun, and not to talk anything in reality. Go to Offtopic.