A group of rag-tag galaxy defenders. Anyone welcome! We will be doing daily group events, and the strikes and raids as soon as they land. JOIN NOW!
Message L Pure Stylez L or it's x iviagickz for an invite. Alternatively, leave your GT and I'll add you as soon as possible :)
I've added all those that have requested, sorry about the delay. Keep the recruits coming lads we've just reached level 2! Looking forward to looting with you guys.
GT j j cleall
Gt Last Starlord
Add davehoff please! :)
[quote]A group of rag-tag galaxy defenders. Anyone welcome! We will be doing daily group events, and the strikes and raids as soon as they land. JOIN NOW! Message L Pure Stylez L or it's x iviagickz for an invite. Alternatively, leave your GT and I'll add you as soon as possible :)[/quote] Can I get an invite
Would like to join GT: Danjr00
Would like to join, GT is Jaglowato107, thanks.
I would like to join. I'm lvl 20
Gamer tag- EternalInferno6
Add me Rosan13 ps4
Looking for an invite - GT xDeMoNiChunter