•Lowest unemployment since 2001
•Decreased the United States debt
•Created over 1 million jobs in a couple months
•Followed the constitution and is deporting illegals
•Renegotiated Nafta to help American workers
•Stock market is at RECORD HIGH
These our only the first 6 months of his presidency!!! At the end of 8 years their will be much more achievements to follow.
[i]He[/i] created 1m jobs? Unemployment is down since 2001 because of [i]him[/i]? I'm not an economist and I'm not going to say Obama is single-handedly responsible but unemployment has been dropping and the quality of jobs have been increasing for years. I struggle to understand how Trump is responsible for the tail end of an upwards trend that began well before him. I'm glad the stock market likes him, sure.