If you are a New Destiny Player you will want to join this clan. This clan has a good amount of Veterans in it that will help new players and learn them tips and lots of things about the game. We also want to kick ass and have more Veterans so if you are one feel free to join :D
!Any Platform is welcome!
We are like family helping each other and wanting to get better at the game.
We Are Ensidia.
Discord Sever : https://discord.gg/GzXNnMf
(Check welcome-and-rules text channel once you join please.)
Anyone is welcome to join the Discord you don't have to be part of the clan. You can find other players that you could play with and help you in your activities
!READ! All 4 clans are now full and we are going to make the fifth one at PC launch so see you guys there!
Thanks again to everyone that joined the clan.
Here are the clan invite links in case some people might leave :
Destiny 2 Ensidia Clan Link : https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=2108923
Ensidia II : https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupId=2376913
Ensidia III : https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupId=2377324
Ensidia IV : https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupId=2379720
If you guys don't want to wait for the Ensidia V launch or want to join a Clan as soon as possible i recommend you guys the ADVANCED COMBAT TACTICS [ACT] Clan : https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2226077
Looking to join psn:CatoSero
Looking for a small group of dedicated players to help build a new clan. Will run raids, strikes, and crucible, with me and select others running recruiting so the focus can stay on the game for everyone else. Let's get the loot and keep our numbers rising, if you're interested in being one of the founders, join up! https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2365883
Looking to join. PS4 name same as username.
Looking for a clan? Well look no further, The Unfriendly Hope is recruiting new Guardians! No matter your experience or time commitment, you will be taken in as one of our own. Also, if you have friends that need a clan, bring them with you as well! Hurry! Space is filling up fast, join today! https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2409789
Hi I would love to join this clan. Could you please send me an invite. My Xbox Gamertag is......CCG BoBo Thank you.
House Stark of Winterfell is a Great House of Westeros, ruling over the vast region known as the North.If you're a Game of Thrones fanatic this is the place for you. Our goal is to find a medium between competitive and casual play. We want to create an environment where all Guardians can enjoy the perks of being in a clan. Our goal is to reach max clan level! Xbox platform Only! - Currently Running Nightfall's with clan members - All are welcome ( Age, Gender, etc. ) All we ask is to help out your fellow Clan Mates. https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2374924
[XBOX] THE DIREWOLFS WOMB RECRUITING | LOOKING TO EXPAND | GOT FANS WELCOME! Whitewalkers better watch the f#*k out, We are looking to build a community to burn and slice through any threat beyond the tower. Ever feel like you need to prove something to yourself or your dog, well now you can! Become a DIREWOLF AND REIGN TERROR UPON YOUR ENEMIES AND BE THE ROLE MODEL YOUR DOG DESERVES. Mostly casual clan here to have fun but get things done! Message if interested. GOT FANS WELCOME! RED WITCHES ARE NOT. https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2279716 GT: deathmetalk7
Join the VETERANS OF THE 8BIT WARS Join a CLAN SYSTEM done right https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2403775
[quote][M4L] Monsters for Life is a clan that originated on Xbox but for Destiny 2 I am the only one who transferred to PS4. Therefore, I was put in charge for recruiting on PS4. With that being said, M4L is all about Trust, Loyalty, and Respect. We are competitive but we still like to have fun! Only the skilled and most elite get in. Just leave your PSN below so I can send you a clan invite!
XB1 Clan Recruitment. -Our Ascension- We are always on the lookout for new family members! We do have a few REQUIREMENTS: -Must have and maintain a 1.0 Overall KD - Having and Maintaining a good KD across all characters. However, Negative KD's will not be accepted. - Active. - A mic. Communication is key. - Must have at least a 1.0 KD in Trials. There is no need to carry people here. Put your backpack away. -Preferred age 16-40. But we can make exceptions on a case by case basis. We pride ourselves on connecting exceptional players with other exceptional players. We focus on PvP, but run all aspects of Destiny including PvE. We love raiding. WE USE THE CLAN CHAT WITHIN THE APP! So be sure to stop in and say hi to clanmates! Share Clan https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=1085232
266 Warlock Please Inv Gamertag ObliviousCoin78
Looking for a clan to do nightfall with (xbox) , currently 271 power
Ifrenzy99 Xbox one light 267 inv me
Invite please BIackGodFather on PSN
invite please, jaffaaa1996 on PSN, very active player😊
No requirements join for the LOOT. Just be on often Nobody cares about your K/D or skill we only care about getting that sexy loot and leveling up. https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2419299 Join and ima Suck yo T I D ᴅ ᴵ ᴱ ˢ .
https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2422203 New Clan, Blazed for Glory Xbox One
[quote][M4L] Monsters for Life is a clan that originated on Xbox but for Destiny 2 I am the only one who transferred to PS4. Therefore, I was put in charge for recruiting on PS4. With that being said, M4L is all about Trust, Loyalty, and Respect. We are competitive but we still like to have fun! Only the skilled and most elite get in. Just leave your PSN below so I can send you an invite!
[quote]We are a solo player clan for getting XP and rewards! We also can do raid and other activities! Join us! Share Clan https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2424227[/quote]
(XBOX) Join Back Seat Bunch today for loot! Share Clan https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2194778
Invite please BIackGodFather on PSN
On Xbox just looking for a group that is pretty active to do nightfall and other end game activity with 272 hunter Gt: CommunistParty7
on xbox one if you have room
Greetings fellow Guardians, I am currently recruiting Guardians with grit, and I think you have what it takes. Hope to see you in the next fight! https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2151244 #PS4
Would like to join lvl 266 veteran year one plz inv
Dude ! Why do u keep reposting this if all your clans r full