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Let’s talk about Skriviks, the Sharp-Eyed. One of the secret and forgotten bridges between Destiny 1 and Destiny 2, and one of the 3 Eliksni that survived Destiny 1.
In Destiny 1 House of Wolves we faced the expansion’s namesake: the Fallen House of Wolves. Working alongside the Awoken and Variks we enacted the Queen’s Wrath (the eradication of the House of Wolves and its leadership under the combined effort of the Reef and the Guardians).
One member of the Wolves leadership was Skriviks, the Sharp-Eyed.
Skriviks is an oddly special character. She got almost no lore at all and did nothing. In Destiny 1 she was only mentioned once in a grimoire and made no other appearance except for other brief mentions in a couple bounties. Skriviks served under Skolas as one of his Lieutenants in the Reef Wars, and was captured with Skolas at the end of the war. They were put into the Prison of Elders, which was the last we heard of Skriviks. After the Wolves revolted we killed all other members of the Wolf leadership, but Skriviks never made any appearance and was never mentioned again. She faded into obscurity, completely forgotten.
But then, two and a half years later, Destiny 2 launched.
Near the very beginning of the campaign we came to the Spark mission, where we encountered the House of Dusk for the first time. At this point none of us knew what House Dusk was or where they’d suddenly appeared from. They were a total mystery, and we didn’t know they were the result of all previous Houses uniting.
And at the end of the mission the final boss spawned, bearing a name that only the most obsessed House of Wolves lore nerds had a chance of remembering:
Skriviks, the Sharp-Eyed
Naturally I immediately flipped my lid when she spawned. Really, I did. I was so surprised and in awe of seeing this long lost character, and so confused about what she was doing in the mysterious House of Dusk.
But she was quickly killed in the mission. No mention of her, no important attention, just her name. An immediately forgettable boss that any player would have dismissed. It wasn’t until later that we learned Dusk was formed by members of all Houses. And Skriviks had been our first hint. A Wolf within the newly-formed House.
Despite the fact that Skriviks never actually did anything in either game, she has become a surprisingly respectable Fallen character in the games (even if no one was aware of it).
Skriviks was the only known Fallen to escape the Prison of Elders in Destiny 1 without getting killed later in Destiny 1, and the only known member of the House of Wolves' leadership that survived the Queen's Wrath. And to top it all off, she was one of the only three named and living Fallen known to us (the gamers) in the ENTIRE SPECIES until Destiny 2 was released. The other two were Variks and Eramis. All other Fallen we’d heard of in Destiny 1 were dead.
That's all. I thought some of you may have been as interested in this as I was, considering Skriviks’s role and how she linked Destiny 2 with Destiny 1. A historically important member of the House of Wolves being an enemy in this game was really cool to see, and as a member of House Dusk.
Nemesis system confirmed.