Way to go Bungie, bending the knee to a SJW crybaby snowflake idiot. So one person cries about the appearance of an item in your video game and you change it? You are changing my favorite armor set because of ONE person?! What you should have said is, "if it offends you, don't play our game". Instead you gave into political correct bullsh*t. It's also laughable that you think pepe or the kekistan flag has anything to do with white nationalists, maybe use this thing called the internet to do some research next time. You have lost so much respect in my eyes as well as a lot of others. Stop aligning yourself with leftist agendas and stay neutral, you're a game company, not a political organization. Can't wait for all the salty alt-left tears when they see this. In response to what they are going to say, no, I will not stop playing because I'm not a snowflake who is offended by everything. Just here to let bungie know how disappointed I am in them, since apparently one random has that much influence in their decision making process.
Yea I'm more upset over the fact that they finally opened up nightfall to matchmaking but require some gay ass key to queue. And then only give them to half the community