I play solo because:
This may not sound like a problem on the face of things, but it's much more thaan you may think. Ya see, there's a whopping 5-8 hours between me and the US, and where am I likely to find guardians to play with? It ain't the UK fo' damn sure.
I prefer to take my time and enjoy things, and when I come on the forums and I hear about all this 'getting good' I need to do. I'm not completely incompetend and do not share IQ with a neanderthal or potatoe, I enjoy making sure that my radar doesn't have any red on it, and the bodies are piling somewhat. Am I kill crazy? Debatable, but in D2, those right engrams are enticing. I need more of them beautiful legendary shaders to completely colour my guardians armour in that arctic purple shader. (Not that I'm gay or a girl, I just thought it would be fancy to dress as camp as I could XD)
As for the anti elitist side, I never want to share fireteams with an elitist, under any circumstance, ever.
To this end, if I want to communicate with people to do endgame activities (Such as the raid that I'll get around to eventually if I feel like it) I'll host. Means that I know there's a post out there with reasonable terms.
Well I can understand the slow part, I hate it when you pug a strik and then some asshole thinks he can do everything singlehanded and rushes trough the strike, thats why I never solo those always have at least one friend in the team.
Which console are you on?
PS4 (Name is as shown on forums and I've always been SREDISKRAD since DARKSIDERS)