I’m a D1 player who logged over 3000 hours.
I play Crucible all the time, it’s my favorite Destiny Activity. I’m decent, not great.
(I hate Rumble BTW. Ironic, I know. I actually live for being a team player)
I did all the Raids, a lot. (I didn’t get Rise of Iron)
I was in a very successful Clan in D1(Knights of the Phoenix)
I have a lot friends on my friendlist.
So why do I, and other people, prefer to play solo 90% of the time?
There are several reasons, and I will try to be as concise as possible.
When I get home, if I have time, I just want to jump into whatever activity
I feel like playing. I don’t want to see who is online, what activity they are doing, jump into their party,
ask them if they want to do what I want to do, wait in orbit, wait for two other people to join, or respond
to my messages, and THEN deal with the apology messages of, sorry already full etc etc.
When I ask for friends to join me who are engaged in another activity I feel like I am bothering them.
Whether this is true or not, this is how it makes me feel, and I would rather not deal with it.
Often times in these groups people are chatting away about their personal life, and it can be
overwhelming to me. I DO enjoy talking about the game, like callouts in PvP, but usually the
constant conversation about day-to-day life stresses me out and takes me out of the experience
I am trying to enjoy. (I hate CO-OP in story modes, because I can’t focus on the experience AT ALL)
This probably sounds funny to some people, but I bet for A LOT of solo players this is one of their
main reasons for preferring the Lone-Wolf.
Play a match. One person leaves. 5 Minutes in Orbit till someone else can join. Play a match,
two people leave. Find replacements. Another 5 minutes. This tends to stress me out a lot.
I don’t know if I am coming off as a whiny wuss, but I wanted to shed some light on
why a lot of Guardians might prefer to play Solo. Maybe I am way off base.
Comments will let me know I guess.
EDIT: There appears to be some confusion here so I will clarify. I don't want Destiny to change. It should be a social game. It's awesome that way. I DO have a good time in 90% of Fireteams. I play with people all the time. The ONLY thing I would want either removed or tweaked is Skill Based Matchmaking. BUT THAT IS NOT WHAT THIS POST IS ABOUT. I'm just trying to give a perspective of why players choose to play Solo. Even with friends, not everyone can beat a Raid or go Flawless in Trials, and that is the way it should be. I LOVE DESTINY.
I also played d1 well over 3k hours. I also have a large friends list that returned, with probably even more ive added from other games in between waiting for d2 to come out. I was once pretty good at the crucible, and not when it was all abilities. I was at my best when everyone was using the same 2 or 3 guns = the house of wolves era. Just a side bar of at least a little opinion, but isn't that the definition of balance? that's another topic for another day. I have a friends list full of great pvp players, most of which are better than pretty much everyone reading this post, including myself. I still just want to play solo pvp. It isnt for a single one of the reasons the op listed, but rather just because i just dont find it fun. In the right setting it is great to play in a group, but that setting is in an arranged private match. It takes no skill to pop in a full team of people youre famililar with playing with and queueing up against randos. The game has been out a week. I am consistently playing against full premades when the raid just came out today. You're telling me that you have 2/3 of a raid team right there, all in the same clan, and none of you can leave the crucible for five minutes to even try it out? Like i just got home from basically being gone for work for around 11 hours and thats what i immediately walk into? I get it if pvp is your thing, so thats what you will do, but how is it fun to do the thing that you pride yourself in being so good at with an advantage? This game currently has the biggest playerbase of probably any game in the world. Why do we only have 2 queues? Ive played games where there are only several hundred active players with double the queues. Why not have a solo queue?