At first, I was not really excited at the idea of a Cabal raid because I always found the Cabal to be the most boring enemy faction, but that changed recently. I did the Invitation From The Emperor adventure on Nessus, and a clanmate showed me the cool interesting art and lore regarding various high-ranking Cabal characters (a psion scientist, a female shield-carrying general with badass giant tusks, a bodyguard, a chief of festivals, the emperor's daughter) which really made me excited for what kind of amazing bosses Bungie would come up with. Me and my clanmates discussed what the mechanics could be based on the character info in the book, the possibility of double boss encounters (like the Shield Brothers strike in Destiny 1), and I actually let myself get excited. That was a mistake.
Turns out, the Leviathan raid only has only one boss, and the rest is just a bunch of obstacle courses of convoluted mechanics. It's basically King's Fall (mechanics overload), but without the actual cool parts (lots of bosses). At first, the beautiful aesthetic design of the raid mesmerized me, but once I got used to it, I was just left with a hollow sinking feeling. In my opinion, raids should have at least two boss encounters.
I'm planning on doing the raid this weekend with my clan, but from what I've seen from videos other people playing it, it's not going to be something I want to do more than a handful of times, if even that much.
If you want to see the characters from the booklet I was talking about, here:
Has anyone who played it have anything reassuring to tell me about it?