You use the words stressed out so much I wonder how you deal with anything, ever. People talking about day to day stuff stresses you out. Waiting 5 minutes stresses you out. Sending a message TO A FRIEND stresses you out. -blam!-s sake man. What happens to you in traffic? Spontaneous combustion? Relax brother.
Not everyone feels convertable interrupting friends because they made it so you HAVE to have a fireteam not everyone wants that and talking is pretty much necessary not everyone has the whole day like you 5 minutes is a lot of time when you dont have the whole day
Excuse me? The whole day? Wtf are you talking about? Sounds like you want the game to be what you think it should be rather than what it is and always has been. And if you're uncomfortable messaging your friends then maybe they're not your friends? I just can't get behind this culture of nervousness and I'm glad Bungie made a game that actually rewards coordinated team play.
I did read it but OP was writing about a solo preference but didn't say they were not playing. The post didn't see to infer gaming was stressing them out.
Imply. Infer is what you do WHEN someone implies.
And he literally uses the words stressed out and anxious multiple times. You didn't read shit.
He literally did not use the word "anxious" at all
You're right. He used angst instead. What's the difference? Just felt like being pedantic?
OP used Angst once and the word stress twice in a 528 word post. Again, they didnt appear stressed to me. Just stating why they game solo. So I guess you were just inferring huh.
You were literally wrong.
In the most superficial and irrelevant way, yes. I was wrong.
OP didn't seem stressed out. You seemed more stressed than the OP did about post.
Uh...did you not read his comment?
Missouri River?
Born and raised in KCMO.