PSA: Exotic engrams can be inspected to see their possible drops. [b]Every 5 minutes or so the possible drops change. Try to wait for exotics you need before turning them in.[/b]
Edit: Nevermind was a rumor and not true.
Engrams are already decided when you acquire them
I had two exotics at once multiple times and both dropped gear not in the inspect screen. Weird.
This is a myth. Doesn't work.
Doesn't work. Have tried it my last 5 exotic engrams and only 3 of the 5 were things listed in the preview.
Lmao noooo every time I waited for hardlight to show up. I opened 5 engrams this week and the preview changes nothing. I got the sun shot and it wasn't listed.
Yeah no that doesn't work. I saw all my selections and I got a something that wasn't one of them.
That isn't true it's just a preview of random items; don't spread misinformation it's worse than ignorance
I've had 3 drops that weren't listed in the possible items (immediately after refresh). In the case of exotic engrams, it's most likely just a preview.
Waited. Got something that wasn't in possible drops. Possibly debunked. Requires further testing.