It looks like the video game blame is only about to intensify.
[quote]The US National Rifle Association has launched a target range game for the iPhone and iPad, a month after the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy.
The game, which simulates a shooting practice, has been approved for children as young as four.
In open letter to Mr Biden, the Entertainment Consumers Association's vice-president Jennifer Mercurio wrote: "With the recent tragedy on everyone's minds, some people are looking for a cause and culprit other than the shooter.
International Game Developers Association chairman Daniel Greenberg also said the government should not be "scapegoating" the video game industry for society's ills.
"The US government did irreparable damage to the comic book industry in the 1950s by using faulty research to falsely blame juvenile delinquency and illiteracy on comic books. The comic book industry never recovered in sales to this day," he added.[/quote]
[url=]Link to the article.[/url]
Video of Joe Biden meeting with EA, Activision, Take-Two, Gamestop and others:
So Flood has it gone too far yet? Should we be worried at this point? They seem hell bent on blaming this on someone, and it seems that if the NRA can't be that someone it's going to be the video game industry. Just take a look at those Facebook comments from the day of the shooting. The only basis they had was that the wrongly accused brother like Mass Effect. THE WRONG MAN. The actual perpetrator did not in fact play video games at all. So where is the basis for the argument? No where.
People are scapegoating everything. No one is willing to man up and say that we need better mental health care. All of these mass murderers have mental issues. All of these mass murderers have famalies and friends. Why did no one say anything? Why did no one try to help them? Now we get to the point of, "Oh its the fault of guns," "Oh it's the fault of violent video games and movies." Both excuses are bullshit. The only thing that pulled the trigger was the person behind it. Guns didn't do it them selves, games didn't do it, movies didn't do it, it was the psycho that did it. When the NRA came out the Friday after the murder with their press conference and I read the part about games, I was a little annoyed, but then I got to thinking. It was not so much an attack on games as form of calling out the Media in general. We glorify violence, we revel in it with Movies, TV shows, and games. Yet the same people who turn out violent media are the first people to blame an inanimate object for a tragedy. They don't see any fault that they may have. Do I personally believe violent media is at fault? No, not at all. There is no one really to blame but the murderer. Though we do need to have a serious discussion on the effects of news media in the reporting of a mass murder. The Murderer is almost idolized. They publish his name, his "kill count," his motives, everything. Then they immediately attack firearms and continue to idolize the murderer. That is why these killings happen, because we report it with such fervor that it almost cries out for a copy cat.