Remember how we couldn't blow up the Almighty because doing so would cause the Sun to go Super Nova, but then we blew it up anyway? What was up with that?
And don't try saying, "Oh, we only blew it up a little bit." because what we blew up was the [i]connection [/i]to the Sun. If anything was going to destabilize the Sun by blowing up that would be it. It was probably the only thing that would affect the Sun by blowing up. I'm pretty sure that the Sun wouldn't explode if we lost the cafeteria.
Edited by Joker_Karasu: 9/18/2017 5:59:21 PMBecause space magic plot mcguffin. Personally (I'm no Astro-Physicist) I thought the almighty worked by disrupting the gravitational core of the sun by injecting equal gravitational force and destroying its integrity and making it go boom (like microwaving a boiled egg). The MC stopped that by disrupting this process and letting the almighty go boom without disrupting the sun.