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originally posted in: Bring back Ammo Synths!!!!!!!!!!
9/17/2017 9:42:31 PM
It's not necessary, and yes, it does affect others. Currently you have to think about ammo consumption and getting some new ammo at the right time - the drop rates are fair, and everytime you die and come back (full wipe OR res) you get your Kinetic and Energy back anyway. What you're asking for is the game to be further watered down and easier, and there are many of us who justifiably dont want that. I've beaten the raid, the prestige nightfall, and gone flawless, and not once has me or anyone in my group thought that the removal of synths were in any way a problem with our current system.

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  • Just read the replies to your comment and have to say that whether I agree with you or not, your comments are probably some of the most rational and well thought out arguments on this forum.

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  • Thanks! I don't want to jump at peoples throats because they disagree, I just want to talk and hope there's some form of good hopefully in the form of a conclusion from it.

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  • I can respect wanting the challenge to stay as is. I don't care if synths return as I don't need them, but this seems like it really wouldn't affect your sense of challenge and accomplishment unless you use it. Would others using ammo synth truly bother you that much? I mean, they're only ruining it for themselves from your perspective. Unless they're in your fireteam, that is. (Disclaimer: I'm honestly just asking to clarify your view. Not here to argue for anything.)

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  • There's a certain value put on having something that less aren't able to necessarily achieve. The reason that we have achievements/trophies in game, what puts value to high end game gear (aside from its special perks), People strive to achieve (well, they should anyway) and improve themselves,, and part of the value is that while this person has, this person may not. Now, I'm all about helping others get there and through things, but at the same time, if the entire player base had it, since this is something akin to an MMO, then it becomes devalued. If everyone has MIDA, the gun just gets an eye roll, if everyone has a Tracer skin, we use a different one, etc. We don't want everyone to drive the same car, or wear the same shirt... I also believe this is partly why we have no trade system, to keep that value and have a reason to go get it. Ammo is a miniscule addition to the challenge to keep us on our toes, but it's still part of the gameplay dynamic.

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  • I understand most of that. I don't pick my gear based on what others do or don't use most of the time, but I do hate to be one of the many sporting the same tired stuff, and I like having things that weren't easy to get.

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  • Drop rates are mostly OK, the problem is that there's a modified version of Juggler going on at all times that is never communicated to the player. So you rarely get ammo for your equipped weapon. For weapons with low ammo counts but that are crucial for certain enemies and mission phases, this is a big problem. I think that a 5-10% increase in kinetic weapon ammo drops would alleviate most issues with ammo. This tends to be the major weapon type for killing unshielded adds. With the Juggler variation going on, this means you will see a lot of energy weapon ammo dropping and you'll kill orange bar enemies for periodic heavy drops, but kinetic weapon ammo runs out quickly during prolonged fights with lots of red bar enemies like Psions, Dregs, Harpies, etc. Once kinetic weapon ammo dries up, this quickly dries up Energy weapon ammo, which dries up heavy ammo because you need the heavy ammo to kill shielded enemies even if they would typically be handled by lesser weapons.

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  • Thanks for bringing actual conversation to the table, appreciate it when someone can actually debate or convey something. That's a respectable thought process, I could see that route. Though honestly, I think if there was just some way of conveying to players they need to diversify their weapon use (it's one of those things that exists, but wasn't stated, so a large percentage of the player base would be slow to catch on), that may be just as effective? 5% on JUST kinetic is pretty minimal, again I could respect that.

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  • Alternatively, they could add a few more shielded enemies and subtract a few unshielded enemies from most fights and get the same results. But a mild increase in kinetic ammo drops wouldn't affect the other game elements the same way and still encourage you to use each weapon for its intended purpose.

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  • It is necessary, and no, it doesn't effect others. No one cares that you went flawless, you want a cookie or a pat on the back?

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  • If you read one of my comments, that wasn't the point. My point was I've been able to achieve these things (each different areas of gameplay) without ammo ever being an issue - same with my clan mates and many others I've played with. Ammo synths after already reworking and improving the system would just water down accomplishments that are meant to be challenging, in an already forgiving ammo economy. If you do what you're supposed to, you'll have ammo. If you blow it all/don't get kills/use only one of your 3 weapons, you won't.

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  • So I'm not allowed to play the way I want to play? Ok dude, thanks for your input. Go back to the rest of the flock.

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  • That's a ridiculous way to look at it. "I can't have infinite ammo? How unfair". People don't play games to walk through Cut scenes and one tap all their enemies. If you want something that easy there's minecraft creative. Better yet, games like Halo with difficulty settings where you can change it and it not affect anyone else. This game is meant to be progressively challenging. There's no difficulty settings beyond make it extra hard for improved rewards - if everyone could take a stroll and have all of the same gear, what would be the point? There's no point to "achieve" anything.

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  • Good day sir, go back to your clarinet.

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  • The hell? 😂😂 at least I could do that, I'm not scared of learning and conquering new things. I'm a percussionist though.

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  • [quote]I'm a percussionist though.[/quote] Ayyyyye me too yo.

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  • Maaa boi ❤

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  • What's your favorite percussion instrument?

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  • No, what we are talking about is the times we go tripe 0 on ammo, and are forced to either commit suicide to get more, or run around beating on things hoping that something, ANYTHING will drop! I went through about a quarter of a strike earlier today where the only way to get ammo was to die. That's just -blam!-ing stupid.

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  • My hero

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  • Sarcasm or...? I'm not stating those things as anything special, just that ive participated and don't see the need for a change.

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  • That's great......For You. You have 3 different characters all at 290+ You obviously have a very dedicated team and all the time in the world to play. I'm sure you are in the top 1% of time played. Your experience is nothing like the vast majority of players in this game. Most people don't have the team or the time YOU do. Designing a game to fit your particular experience does a disservice to the vast majority of the player base.

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  • I do however respect your calm and logical response, that's hard to find in these forums sometimes... My point is just that endgame is meant to be challenging, which is where ammo shortages are possible. I've got a handful of friends who tend to need help in this game, raid nightfall etc., who would agree - the challenge is what makes the content enticing.

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  • Time wise I'm actually a full time student and work 30+ hours plus a band, but i made time opening week, and there's easy ways to get 290 if you use the loot system to your advantage... My friend I were there day 2 or 3 on our first character. Problem is that too many people grabbed powerful gear before they were high enough. THAT ASIDE, it isn't to fit my own personal taste. This game has been watered down quite a bit because people whine (the 2nd turbine removal in the first mission was just ridiculous). This is challenging end game content, meant to put you to the test, give the best items, and keep you coming back (I reference end game because running out of ammo prior is EXTREMELY unlikely unless you run away from ammo). If it was all a walkthrough, what would be the point of continued play? Ammo drops have been siginifcantly increased and spread for this game so that synth would be unnecessary, while not just giving you infinite ammo. That, and we basically all have 2 primaries that hold large amounts of ammo - alternate and grab the boxes when convenient and you'll be fine.

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  • I regularly triple 0 on ammo doing strikes with my son, who actually hass come into the living room to check my screen because I tell him "hey, revive me, I need to get ammo" and run for a cliff. his screen? looks like an ammo truck had explossive diarrhea. My screen? Constipated ammo box wrapped in duct tape.

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  • I think that would imply user error... There's clearly an imbalance if they have a bunch and you don't? It's makes me think of when I was playing with my uncle and he was swearing he hit every shot but I was watching him shoot the wall next to the guy the entire time... Different issue though. Watch him play for a bit and see what he does differently? I don't know man, that has literally never happened to anyone I've played with.

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