Ive seen this weapon so much in crucible, its rare to see other weapons now. Its easy to obtain, and you practically need one for any of the crucible quests you will ever do. It has alot of range, and damage, but that what scout rifles are for. So whats the problem? They are everywhere! and they can spammed enough to take out someone within seconds. I personally think its a bit too powerful, and that a different exotic shouldve came back instead. Monte Carlo was my favorite in destiny 1. Whats your favorite exotic? And do you think the Mida is too powerful? Or even just overrated? Comment down below!
I don't think it's too powerful. It's ttk is fine. I think it's overused because it is more consistent and versatile than any other weapon in the game. Why use another scout when MIDA gives you radar, agility, handling, reload, hcr? My solution would be to improve the base stats of other exotics. My philosophy is that exotics SHOULD be better than most legendaries. In the current meta, most exotics suck. Improve the other exotics and we will have a reason to use them over MIDA. A good example would be to improve the handling and stability of graviton lance so that it's easier to land those long range crits.