The Guardians of the Galaxy are looking for new members of all kinds. Whether you're a solo player, a group of friends looking for a place to call home, or anything in between, you're welcome here. We only ask that members be mature, 18+ (since most of us like to talk/swear freely), and friendly.
There are no expectations when you join. You can run guided games if you'd like, just hang out in the clan with the coolest name in the game (according to at least one really drunk guy in 2014), get groups together for events, etc. We like to run raids, do Trials, do Nightfalls, and run Crucible frequently.
Leave a comment if you'd like an invite, leave a like if you feel like it. :)
See you on the battlefield, guardians.
EDIT: Phew. We filled up fast. Thanks for all the interest everyone. I'll change the joining method to require approval, so if you still want to join, just apply that way and if these invites don't accept, I'll add you as I can. Thanks again.
I'd like to join. 285 Warlock currently. Thx.