I keep trying to Join a clan but them all full. Here is an empty one. It is very casual.
If you want it to be a little more serious i’m up for that too. Please be warned batter is strong and piss taking will happen foul language will be prominent but all in jest
[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2603923]El Respawnos[/url]
Clan is full
Can me and two friends join?KeatonGaming49, YETIxMONST4Rx, TealFive87686.
Invite me please.
Yeah I am keen - GT: I Hunt N00bs
Invite please
Please send an invite if there’s openings, my GT is bhelms314
Please invite me and my friend Gamertag 1. Jeux Ludius Gamertag 2. Gane Fishing13
[quote]I keep trying to Join a clan but them all full. Here is an empty one. It is very casual. If you want it to be a little more serious i’m up for that too. Please be warned batter is strong and piss taking will happen foul language will be prominent but all in jest [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2603923]El Respawnos[/url][/quote] Invite issaheadshot
Invite please this is perfect Gt MakkysDaddy86
æon Vanta Black Æon are now open too all | Requirements | • Xbox One • Can't be shit at the game • Needs mic • Can't be a dick • Needs to frequently play D2 - If you cannot follow these requirements then you will be kicked from the clan | How too join | • Comment on this post Or • Message Stylish Haze on Xbox https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/232103456/0/0
Sent you an invite to darkness. We have 23 members on xbone right now and we'd love to have ya
I think you need to join us https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=2166913