Friend or [i]Foe[/i], he has found fit to return to our world. There will be no [i]Ward[/i]s that will save us from the [i]Cliff[/i] of legendary shard spending; that is the [i]Coil[/i]s of Xur's noodly visage.
If you're on the [i]Fence[/i] about seeing him understand this: we have nothing but good [i]Feedback[/i] from guardians who have visited him. All [i]A[/i]'s for his gear and this coming from [i]C[/i] and [i]D[/i] students of Cryptology. [i]Brace[/i] yourself my [i]Sun[/i] and know that you may never hear the words "but I don't have that weapon" again.
But be wary of the tentacled one. We have [i]0[/i] reason to trust him
We all know what he wants. He wants to go to Japan.