So here's something I do. Not sure if bungie meant for this or not. But whatever!! Lately with their execution I doubt they planed this lol.
I got to my vault buy whatever exotic doesn't matter fill up my inv if I can. It cost 10 shards to do so. Then, you dismantle all of them! Yielding 3 gunsmith materials and 5 shards.
Resulting you in just buying 3 materials for 5 shards. There are points where shards are of an abundance cuz D2 like to be awesome with low level drops or blue drops. So I just say screw that spend my hard earned shards and legendary engrams from the gunsmith. Helps just open more engrams raising the chance you get the specific gun you want like the Lincoln green pulse rifle or something like that!
Please like if this was new information for you!
Wow! What a fantastic idea. Spend your legendary shards on exotics to dismantle into gunsmith parts to spend on engrams containing duplicate weapons to dismantle into gunsmith parts to spend on engrams containing duplicate weapons to dismantle into gunsmith parts. Why didn't I think of that?
well, technically not a bad idea. problem is theres nothing to gain. already got all the legendary mods i need / wanted. and since weapons have bad fixed rolls... well... who cares.