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9/24/2017 9:56:56 AM

Levelling 265 and Beyond

Good Morning Guardians [10:30AM UK TIME] By now we should all be familiar with the daily struggle of getting your new character beyond its current level once getting past the dreaded curse of the 265. I've put together a list of tips that will hopefully help you get the best possible results and get on those raids and high level events, enjoy 🤘 ================================== [b]Milestones[/b] Weekly Milestones offer up a rewards called Powerful Gear above your average legendary or rare engrams. This is basically a package that provides legendaries and exotics that drop higher than 265, or usually higher than whatever your current Light level is. [b]Flashpoint[/b] Simply complete public events at the weekly location, triggering Heroic events will increase the percentage quicker [i]see the public heroic events paragraph below for a tip or two more[/i]. [b]Call To Arms[/b] This is your weekly crucible objective where Lord Shaxx somehow convincingly tricks guardians worldwide into fighting each other rather than the actual ruddy enemy! Win or even lose matches in the Crucible, either way taking part will increase your percentage. Winning however will raise the percentage quicker. [b]Nightfall[/b] Your weekly dose of a hard mode strike with added soul destroying modifiers and enemies that just don't die and have shields that are [i]always[/i] immune. Don't forget your stress ball for this one. You will however be rewarded 'powerful gear' on completion, [b]HAZAAR[/b]. [b]Clan XP[/b] Weekly challenges for clans. I personally have found that the best way to raise Clan XP quickly is to do patrols and miscellaneous story missions, in the time it takes to complete one strike for 500 XP you can likely complete several patrols for 250 XP each. There are also 4 'powerful gear' engrams per clan each week for completing the nightfall, a win in crucible, the raid and trials of the nine. ================================== [b]Public Heroic Events[/b] Buy and activate a Fireteam Medallion from Eververse [dismantle some bright engram rewards if you need some bright dust] and complete multiple Public Heroic Events to farm for Exotic Engrams. While they can drop from any activity, I’ve personally had the best luck with this tactic. Exotics tend to drop higher than your current Light level, so they’re a really good way to increase your overall power. ================================== [b]Level Up Vanguard Rep[/b] Whilst you can level up all vendors, they tend to have a very strict cap on the legendary gear they give you [i]usually five points less than your current light level[/i]. Ikora Rey and Commander Zavala's however tend to dish out some of the better goods. [b]Commander Zavala[/b] [spoiler]AKA the one with the big purple head that stands at the end of the tower reminiscing the good 'ole days[/spoiler] Run some Vanguard Strikes and collect as many Vanguard Tactician Tokens as you can. Then turn these into Zavala in exchange for some juicy rewards. More often than not he’ll give you two items, one that follows the cap, and one that’s higher thanks to a legendary mod. Use that new item, or infuse it into something else, to steadily increase your light level. [b]Ikora Rey[/b] [spoiler]AKA the miserable one who never stops bloody moaning or crying about old times, she even makes you complete missions again, emotional or what?!![/spoiler] Complete any random milestone you get from her daily. Also, each week make sure to complete her Meditations for some Tokens. You can then turn these in for some gear that looks like the starter gear but higher levels rewards. ================================== Hopefully using these tips will be useful in helping you to get the best possible character ready for high level end game content. ================================== [quote]Clan Founder and Sumerian Brethren of the [url=]Sumerian Order[/url] Ash : [url=]itsASHB[/url][/quote]

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  • [PS4 ONLY] UK Sumerians [SORD] required to join the ranks I for raids and more [80+ members] [DISCORD CLAN] [quote][i]π - relinquish reason to deny darkness[/quote][b]Welcome Guardians![/b] ================================== We are currently looking for more UK gamers to join our Sumerian Order, we've start using discord to arrange raids and other end game activities and need more clan members that will be involved! ================================== The Clan was formed by lifelong friends and original Destiny one players. We seek new brothers and sisters to abolish the darkness, and to stockpile as much loot we can get our hands on. ================================== Whether you are super active or can only play a few hours here and there. People have jobs, some with partners and kids and other commitments. We understand this and therefore you'll still be a valuable be a member of the Sumerian Order no matter how much or little you play. ================================== We're an English speaking UK based clan. Whilst mics aren't required but would be preferable for raids, trials of the nine, iron banner or other end game activities, otherwise feel free to solo play, or jump in other activities with the rest of the clan without one. We're here to help and there is always a clan member in some form of public heroic or story mission. ================================== We are looking for people preferably who have reached level 20 and unlocked end game content with at least one of their characters. ================================= So if you're bored of going solo or no one to raid with, need a home with a group of friends and want to take advantage of the free clan rewards and end game. This is the place to be. =================================== [b]To Join:[/b] Simply click on the link and submit your request to join our ranks, because we are trying to recruit in UK currently a message to one of our admins with world location will also help, once joined I will send an invite to the Discord server and get raiding, links below! [url=]Sumerian Order[/url] =================================== [b]We look forward to meeting you Guardians.[/b] =================================== [quote][i]Clan Founder and Sumerian Brethren: Ash : [url=]itsASHB[/url][/i][/quote]

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  • Edited by itsASHB: 9/30/2017 8:33:38 AM
    [quote][i]π - relinquish reason to deny darkness[/i][/quote] My clan is currently recruiting for casual UK raid parties. ================================== Mics aren't required but would be preferable for raids, trials of the nine, iron banner or other end game activities, otherwise feel free to solo play, or jump in other activities with the rest of the clan without one. We're here to help and there is always a clan member in some form of public heroic or story mission. We are here to have fun so any form of harassment will [b]not[/b] be tolerated, stay friendly. =================================== [b]To Join:[/b] Simply click on the link below and submit your request to join our ranks, a message to one of our admins with world location will also help as we are looking for a UK raid party, links also below: [url=]Sumerian Order[/url] =================================== [b]We look forward to meeting you Guardians.[/b] =================================== [quote][i]Clan Founder and Sumerian Brethren: Ash : PSN : [url=]itsASHB[/url] [/i][/quote]

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    • Edited by WiggletonBandit: 9/25/2017 12:58:48 AM
      TL;DR Here’s how to best level from scratch. Leveling is easy if you know what you’re doing. Got three characters, one of each class, each at 303 without a single raid or trials. -Story to Nessus -Public Events to level 20/265 power (about 3-4 hours) -Complete story -Milestones (Nightfall, Crucible, Flashpoint, Clan XP) -Planetary Exotic missions (Mida, Sturm, Ratking) -Clan Engrams Should get you to about 285. Transfer best weapons to second character at level 20, you should be able to grind PEs to 280 light on your second character before completing the campaign and doing milestones. Should get you to about 295. Repeat the process for your third and they should be over 295 before touching your milestones. With milestones and planetary exotic quests you should easily be over 300 light. Transfer best weapons back to your first and second characters, play a few more PEs for gear and you should be close to 300 with them too.

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      5 Replies
      • I've heard this from a couple of people since launch, but haven't tried it for myself. "[i]Appearantly[/i]", if you turn in enough tokens to level a vendor, you can claim the engram at a higher power level by letting it sit. It may go up or down every 30 minutes or so.

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        • I gave up and just deleted all my characters... Oh wait, no I didn't! [spoiler]no spoilers [/spoiler]

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        • GREAT post!!!! Thanks for the tips

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        • Another tip is DONT do the exotic weapon quests till you reach 285-290 because they will drop 10-15 levels higher than your current light level

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          • Bump

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          • These are good tips. Thanks. As I understand the game now takes into account all items in every character inventory and the vault to determine a specific character's highest level for engrams and such. I wish they had a UI indicator as to both what the max potential is and what gear the software used to derive that number. I'd like to know myself. Lol As a solo player, the grind beyond 265 has been long, which is fine. When I don't play nightfall, raid, or trials, I expect the grind to be longer and more tedious. I'm around 290 (again, don't know what my exact number is) and I'm at the point that once the weekly resets are finished (Ikora, call to arms, flashpoint, etc) I think it's better to put the game down until the next week. When only specific events drop higher light items (which is needed to advance), there's no point in playing anymore once I've completed those higher light reward activities.

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          • 260-265 wall comes too quick and game gets pretty limited after you do, and that's an understatement, prepare to get 50 Kerak Type-2 Helmets ( sometimes 2 of the same from 1 engram ) way below your average light and no mods... Also the not so "Powerful Gear" is not guaranteed to be higher level.

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          • 10/10

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          • Levelling past 265 is ridiculously easy. Just play until you reach the soft cap. Then do the weeklies. Last week i went from 270 to 287. I gave my weapons to my second character and went from the start mission and grinded out 282 in just a few days. Reaching max light in D1 was a nightmare until they brought in the update making each engram higher than your average.

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          • I just made 3 titans so I could get more stuff for that character. Now he's 305 with every set up I like except for my new favorite PvP set up. I plan on making two hunters so I can rank them up faster before I make my warlock.

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            33 Replies
            • Cool. Thanks

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            • I appreciate this thread. I'll share hamy .. Yo hamy, where's your furniture hamy?

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            • I too have had fantastic results with Heroic Public Events (when noobs don't blow it) I usually get 1-4 exotics per day. got FIVE today woot!!

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              • TL;DR Just do heroic public events with a medallion active

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              • I was surprised at how well Shaxx' Call of Arms pays out. I did them for the first time this weekend with my 3 characters. Each one got a higher level exotic and a legendary piece, as well as an exotic engram during the matches. Yes, the PvP is kinda messy right now but it pays off well to at least do the Milestone.

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              • I've had miserable results with public events but I didn't know about Zavala and Ikora so thx

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                • Edited by Nigel: 9/24/2017 9:56:21 PM
                  What about Cayde's treasure maps? If you avoid the "loot time lockout", there are at least exotics, which IIRC dropped at higher than my light last one I got. EDIT for spelling.

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                  • Good list. Thanks for putting it together Guardian.

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                    • Thanks didn't know about the medallions

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