Searching through the find fireteam section for stuff like trials, I keep coming across people who are blatantly misusing your (Bungie's) service right under your noses. Charging people $25+ to play a game, for flawless trials, etc. This is absurd. And just the same, Xbox and PSN need to crack down too.
This needs to stop. If you are such a player, one who charges; then by all means entice others to watch your twitch streams and YouTube accounts. But don't charge people to play a game you have NO rights to.
I know there is a lot to hate about this subject. I am of the same opinion as you. However....there is no set policy by Bungie that prohibits people from advertising paid services, that pertain to the game, on the forums. At least not any that clearly define the issue. They are, like it or not, in no way violating any rules at current. If they were the Forum Ninjas, we have seen how quick they are, would have dealt with them already. And even so there would not be any way for Bungie to really stop them. You think Destiny is the only game where pay to carry happens? Sadly it is not....... My advice? Ignore the Pay-to-Carry posts (as hard as that will be to do) and move on to finding a team. Or better yet? Maybe just join a Clan that way you won't need the forums or LFG. Wish I had better suggestions for you, but options are limited.