I can't be the only one who thinks getting a perfect roll or constantly trying to was one of the main aspects of the original and had us coming back for more? Now I see everything for what it really is.. reskinned and recolored with no real differences.
Levelling my guns to get a feel for them and unlocking the perks that felt signifcant were a huge part of the experience and without that it feels very empty.. It's kind of sad and since it is this way I don't see any 'U turn' coming any time soon on that route.
Edit: I'm definitely leaning more towards the randomization of perks or the addition of a way to customize the perks, and not the levelling of guns itself. It was something I felt needed brought up in relation to guns in the original.
Static rolls has definitely taken away the excitement of getting new weapons. However, I think they should keep the levelling process of weapons out of the game as having to level up a gun just to use its perks was a pain in the ass
This is another point of feedback I am seeing a lot of. I'll make sure the team sees this and knows that you would like to see some RNG in the weapon rolls again. Personally, I never enjoyed having to level up a gun to unlock its perks. But appreciate you sharing your thoughts.
I thought RNG in perks was among the shittier aspects of the grind in D1. There is absolutely nothing even remotely entertaining about needing to get the same gun 100 times before you get one with a roll that is actually serviceable.
I just want to be able to apply a kinetic damage mod to energy weapons, and vice versa. DOUBLE DEM OPTIONS
"o look, another purple..." in destiny 1 I was excited as hell to get my first legendary weapon and used it non stop for months, in d2 I have every legendary weapon 10 times over by now
Edited by M0WBZ: 9/28/2017 3:25:57 AMHow has this been pushed so far down in trending? -blam!- you trying to push this shit under the rug bungie, youve wrecked your game to please the casuals. I for one wont be letting it go anytime soon. If i have to necrobump this thread every five minutes.
Can someone at bungie slyly delete Mida from the game? Is that possible xD
But they well bring it back lol [spoiler]it will be to late[/spoiler]
A big thanks to PvP! Bungie can implement a loadout lock for Trials. Why didn't they create all these static perks for PvP only, then lockout any guns without the PvP perks?
VOICE YOUR OPINION HERE https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/233465365?page=0&sort=0&showBanned=0&path=1
Edited by TNRebel0075: 9/28/2017 2:51:16 PMNo it just killed variety. Personally I did not enjoy getting ridiculous trash rolls on weapons only to be insta scrap. At least now after I get a gun with all 3 element types it gets trashed lol. But I’m not endless grinding for those though.
Agreed. I loved grinding D1 PvP for the perfect rolls. It added almost endless replay value for the game. I sunk a ton of hours in to Destiny because of it. That's all gone now. Static rolls, weak guns and a bad PvP really hurts its long term value for me. I don't see myself putting nearly as much time into this game as D1. Not unless something changes.
Edited by JoosE420: 9/27/2017 4:48:39 AMI appreciate Cozmo's reply mentioning that leveling weapon perks was annoying but why would that return if some are asking for weapons to drop with a combination of perks that the weapon may possibly have rather the same combination of perks everytime? No one is asking to level up perks again as far I can tell... If people want to farm for the perfect roll then let them but different perk combinations helps the chance that each guardian can actually be a unique legend
Edited by PapaSubpar: 9/27/2017 4:06:22 PMI never enjoyed farming for rolls. It was tedious and more times than not it was not a very rewarding chore. What people really miss is feeling like a special snowflake for having a roll that others did not have.
I feel like I agree with Cozmo on this, my vault isn't full of every roll on a gun possible for later crucible testing just to get dismantled when I need space. And it's nice to know if somebody's got a gun everyone can get one.
I miss my max impact 0 stability judith hand cannon...
People got salty over god rolls and not getting god rolls. Now people are salty that it doesn't change. Jfc.
Adding more weapon mods would solve this
Edited by Marno: 9/27/2017 11:42:13 AMI dint read you post but I agree with the title. Fixed perks are really shit. Now all I do when I see a gun I already have is check the power level and delete the lowest one. Same with armour.... 😡😡😡
I'm the complete opposite on this. I NEED static stats on gear. Randomized stat gear pisses me off.
I agree but... Along with the loss of playability comes a positive. Guys aren't running around with a god roll weapon that has an unfair advantage against other players. Given the two choices, I prefer the more balanced approach.
Hung jury with firefly from d1 was a beast and better than, say, badger ccl with firefly. Hung jury without firefly wasnt as good as badger for me personally. Etc. You see how it worked? Different guns for different sons...
Bungie killed replayability
PVP has been ruined - 3/9/2025 1:24:54 AM
The weapon system sucks. The fun is fine if you are into grinding. Third week in and I have all the good pvp weapons. Streamers and balance seekers killed the fun, and I was an avid pvp player. -
LMAO, you know the game is in trouble when Cozmo is actually acknowledging the criticism here on the forum.
Edited by FooShuLuu: 9/27/2017 1:25:46 PMIn 2 months nobody will be playing this game, ..Game gets boring FAST...........