I can't be the only one who thinks getting a perfect roll or constantly trying to was one of the main aspects of the original and had us coming back for more? Now I see everything for what it really is.. reskinned and recolored with no real differences.
Levelling my guns to get a feel for them and unlocking the perks that felt signifcant were a huge part of the experience and without that it feels very empty.. It's kind of sad and since it is this way I don't see any 'U turn' coming any time soon on that route.
Edit: I'm definitely leaning more towards the randomization of perks or the addition of a way to customize the perks, and not the levelling of guns itself. It was something I felt needed brought up in relation to guns in the original.
That's why Destiny is bs and Warframe rules. Warframe has weapons you train and who have mod slots you can fill with mods that come in different qualities and tons of variability. You can fuse mods to make them higher quality or sell the trash you don't need or give them to your clan members who are just starting. You can order and search your mods! Destinys "glorious new" mod system is a bad joke compared to that. Warframe is soooo much better, it boggles the mind. Destiny has fancy graphics, interesting raids and nice enemy models, but the game is still trash. I should have bought a Prime Warframe instead of this bs.