Looking for clan. Warlock 265 and climbing. Son has Hunter gs unknown atm he is getting there.
Lots of playtime tired of random pick ups. Not hard core on crucible but not bottom of leader boards.
XBOX GAMERTAG: d3whisler
If you like the idea of helping to build a new Clan, then feel free to check us out. I'm a father of two teenagers, so I know gaming time can become limited. My Clan is there when you need us, and we'll leave you in peace when you don't need us. [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=18551]The Ancient Gods[/url] A new XB1 Clan of Mature, Older Destiny Gamers who usually play Solo, but need to gather together every so often to explore all that this game has to offer. The Ancient Gods are a Clan that is now 39 Members strong, and still accepting Mature, Casual, Older Gamers into our Pantheon of Deities! I'm 40, and far past the times of e-peen measuring most younger Gamers gravitate to. This is a Clan for Casual, mostly Solo Destiny Players. I deeply understand the need for solitude in playing Solo; but that you need a Clan who will step in, when YOU need it, and will help tackle the multi-player content in Destiny. Or even just to wander PvE as a team. There are no mandatory activities. No set times to be on. No pressure or in-game messages forcing our Clan members into activities that they don't want to be in. Just a Clan that respects your time, privacy, and desire for none of the teenage drama that festers in most online game worlds. Even if you join to do nothing but contribute Clan XP and reap the rewards of Clan Engrams, this Clan is fine with that as well. Well met! [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=18551]The Ancient Gods[/url] will see you in orbit! Morte Ascendo.