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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
Edited by Duardo: 10/2/2017 12:42:31 PM

Known paid carry users (PS4)

Well the amount of people doing paid carries trials in blatant disregard to Bungie's Terms of Use, and what I, more importantly, feel ruins the spirit of the game has roused me to make this post. In making it I know I make it easier for those willing to pay to find such services, but at the same time I feel like I need to point the light at these people so that something may be done about them. I don't care if there are repercussions for me to face in doing this, because anything you think is worth doing is worth some sort of loss. If anyone else knows anyone selling trials carries feel free to post about and report them. So with out more talk here are the people I have found so far that are selling trials carries. I will update as I find more trials sellers. [REDACTED]

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  • Paying for a group may not be in the spirit of the game and all that BS but unless they are screwing with the internet connections or using aimbots, they aren’t cheating. That type of team would be facerolling squads regardless of the fourth being a carry or a main member. Just beat the team or take the lost and move on. There is no gear coming out of Trials that is so overpowering or awesome that is worth paying for, in my opinion, but if they want to blow their nacho money on it, screw it. Hell, the top weapons in this meta aren’t even the trial ones! Get a mida, nameless, Uriel’s or last hope and you’re already set for anything in pvp. Trials is just something to do in between dinner and watching porn.

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