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Clan Recruitment

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10/3/2017 2:47:27 AM

NWA small ADULT XB1 clan

group of friends looking for eager new members for d2 fresh start so new or experienced players are welcome. what we are looking for is dedicated individuals maturity is another key factor which i myself measure on how well a person is able to communicate. group activities require it i do ask that you be 18 or older and know what it means to be mature. we are a fun loving group of people who enjoy a good conversation and spend our time simply socializing at times but come reset or raid day it's all down to buisness. pst based clan with some est and uk members. we don't restrain you to only help or raid with us feel free to do activitys with who you wish maybe invite your friends to join. if you choose to join us on occasion we won't turn you away join today!
#Clans #NWA #rowdy

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