For real check out youtube or other sources, but I had to prove it to myself first. (Plus this is only applied to PVE from my experiments)
Originally I wanted to check why my speed felt the same on my hunter no matter what i did, and when i looked into it and experimented in a controlled environment I found out I was right.
1st attempt: Nightstalker perk for faster sprinting, hunter sword, and Stompees (Exotic boots) are equipped with mobility at 10. Time on run with flat surface and no interruption was 21 seconds. (Not counting ms)
2nd attempt: Nothing equipped for additional speed but the lowest I could get my hunter was 4 mobility and the time still ended up being 21 seconds. (Not counting ms again)
Jumping height will change but is not relevant with maps based around customized jumping for all three classes.
Now Resilience was tested on several different enemies. I just kept record of amount of hits received needed to be killed. I solo'd the enemy and made them my sole source of damage. With my zone's changing from open world to raid to test this, I came up with the same results on damage received from the different resilience stats. Starting from 0 then to 7 on my hunter the amount of shots needed to be killed does not change, and the damage is extremely resembled when compared to the point it seems pointless to even worry about this stat.
Recovery is slightly better but still isn't what most consider worth while to focus on. From the stat 0-10 experiment i attempted, I found the recovery time is almost the same with two seconds separating the lowest stat from the max stat.
I know this is vague, but I advise you to check it out for yourself and to not force your character build around these stats. (AGAIN NOT TESTED FOR PVP)
If anyone knows of a page or individual that has these stats tested elsewhere or just wants to test this out for themselves that come up with a different solution please do comment back and tell me I'm wrong, because i'm rather pissed at my experiments.
Edited by Sd Kfz 1824985: 10/3/2017 3:10:03 PMRecovery is how fast health/shields regen, not the delay before regen.