So confused, they had the worst guns, shaders, and armor. Not to mention FWC didn't even have a token/engram cap and I know people went crazy farming that. Also their award gun was the worst, not to mention it's a scout and it's archetype is horrible not to mention it won't come close to the MIDA in PvP. Oh well, I have the money to buy the NM sidearm...
I can tell you a little bit about why we won. I contributed 90 Levels to Dead Orbit. You contributed 5 Levels to Dead Orbit and 21 Levels to New Monarchy (Subtracting the 10 Levels you gave to Future War Cult). So 1st. You did nothing for Future War Cult's effort. 2nd. See the Victory Week and the Winner's Offering section about why you can only buy Dead Orbit's Rally Weapon.
You're comment seems a little hostile for whatever reason, but I didn't mention my contributions I just said it didn't make sense when comparing rewards and that I know lots of people that farmed FWC because it didn't have a cap, so I dont get why youre throwing a little shade at me for not contributing to FWC (Or at least that's what I picked up)... And thank you for the link, very informative. I don't really care for the faction war event aside from releasing new items so once I got what I wanted I was finished with it and will probably only pursue in the future for the shaders. Ps - New Monarchy is my favorite by the shaders alone.
NM actually had the worst guns. The DO shotgun, pulse, and hand cannon are all great.
LOL..Dead orbit easily had the worst weapons. The pulse dropped for me before the faction rally started and it is absolutely gets melted at all ranges. The shotgun gets outclassed by many (Hawthorne's shotty is way better) The hand cannon is probably the best gun and HCs in general are wildly underwhelming. New monarchy has a scout that is as good or better than the "reward" this week. NM has a really good SMG and auto rifle (autos are the most consistent weapons in the game currently). Speaking of shotguns..NM has the BEST slug shotgun in the game. It's a clone of the Chaperone and can snipe people. Oh and those NM shaders are 🔥
That's your [spoiler]opinion[/spoiler]. The NM scout looks amazing, but it's actually garbage to use. Every other scout of that archetype is better.
Maybe for you but the old fashioned and better devils and trial hc all outclass it so there's no reason for me to use it. The pulse is decent you got that on me but there are PLENTY better pulses and that archetype isn't really that great for pvp. And the sudden death shotty from trials eclipses all others, the only reason I'd use anything else is the NM shotty because it's a Chaperone incarnate and that was my fav exotic from D1 or Hawthornes shotgun is really good for pve.
Outclass in what way? It comes down to [spoiler]personal preference[/spoiler]. If you're skilled enough to consistently land crits with the DO hand cannon, it's better dps than Better Devils and the Old Fashioned in that regard. If it was the developers' intention for us to only use the best weapons then they wouldn't make a variety. I also find some weapons to be more [spoiler]fun[/spoiler] to use than others, regardless of usefulness.
Maybe if you're talking boss Dps but who really would use a hand cannon for that, and what boss do you even need to weapon adjust for dps aside from the raid boss? And then why are you using a hand cannon period? Crucible wise the old fashioned deletes everything else by it's perk alone, one kill and you can 3 tap at any range in the maps with a archetype that takes only four.
You must not have read the part of my post about [spoiler]fun[/spoiler]. Not everyone min/maxes in this game.
I don't min max I was just referring to how many other weapons are better which was my point.
Again, "better" from your standpoint. From your posts it seems you'd prefer them for crucible, which is fine. I don't care which is better based on your personal criteria, I care which is worth using and still fun to use. For me if it's only statistically better then it isn't worth my time. Similar to using MIDA/Uriel's Gift. Sure, they're statistically "better" than other loadouts, but they aren't fun for me to use. I prefer Manannan and a HC or SMG or autorifle.
No I did, I just answered your question about how it is outclassed, if you're talking fun factor then that's on whoever plays, but that's not what I said and not what you asked.
NM scout and shotty are beasts. the -blam!-ing shotty is a boss melter.
It's fun to use, I'll give it that. They should up the pve damage of shotguns a bit, though.
the royal Bathouse is where it shines. "What cleaver guy ?" "ohh that big dude who cannot even get out of the deep part? yeah it's dead...."
I'll have to give it a shot. I usually use the raid launcher and a submachine gun.
I now see why DO won..... Full of retards that think the guns are good
You seem upset. Maybe it's time for a little fresh air break?
Slug shotgun with high range beats dead orbit, the sidearm reward is much better than dead orbits.
Thank you
Slug shotgun vs buckshot is situational. Full auto sidearm vs high impact scout is your opinion. I personally prefer scouts. That being said, I rep New Monarchy on my main and unfortunately the scout they have is garbage, and the autorifle is outclassed by many others.
Only the winning Faction is selling their gun, you can only buy the D.O. gun for 50k glimmer if you were not pledged to them.
Thank you
Or at least that is the way I understood it to be. I could be wrong or Bungie could have changed their mind.
Oh that's different from what I heard, could be like that I was told. You could buy the winning faction for 1k then the others for 50k. But I never check on it. Oh well.