Bring all of the salty tears here!
Lets see all those rustled jimmies!
Lets laugh at the ragers!
Cant wait to throw a NM shader on it so it looks better!
Edit 1:obligatory we're trending edit, and the legendary butthurt liked a comeback of mine. Its been a good day
I joined every faction with all 3 of my characters so i get the gun at 1000 glimmer regardless, plus i don't know why people wanted the scout rifle so much the Song of Justice VI from new monarchy is almost the same and feels better to use. Also i feel no one will use the scout rifle anyways if they have the Multi tool or Nameless Midnight. People might use the guns to farm legendary shards (if it give you shards at all) but other then that the prize weapons are worthless. Ill always be New monarchy because their armor makes me look like a proud Knight, plus i would have rather had the sidearm then a scout rifle so i could at least level up my Rat King because for some reason i only ever get hand cannons rather then side arms.