Hi wondering if anyone from the community are able to help, I have retrieved all chests for this week but received no actual loot only an emblem and some random pieces and a letter fragment both to hand into Cayde.
Anyone know what to do with these parts.
Feel I have been ripped off by Cayde-6 this week! XD
You may have collected them too quickly so the loot cooldown shafted you. What parts? The misc stuff like the letter and junk? Those are turned into Cayde himself for like 100 glimmer each; if you're referring to any other items then I have no idea. I got a decent haul this week with a legendary engram, Ace of Spades emblem (I've been searching for it) and 2 blue mods (they were kinda meh). I spaced out the times for when I grabbed them cause the week prior the only thing I got was a blue engram and the Try The Special ramen engram.