[u][b]Charlemagne - A Destiny 1 / 2 Discord Bot[/b][/u]
I would like to note right from the start, this is more than a bot, this is a WarmindTM, also the Charlemagne community likes to refer to the Warmind as a [i]She[/i]. Just for future reference.
[u][b]What is this Warmind / Bot?[/b][/u]
Good question, simply put, its an all in one package at viewing Destiny 1 / 2 stats, creating LFG / Event groups within your Discord with ease, checking out what modifiers are on the nightfall this week, ranking of Destiny stats between all the people within your Discord that have registered with the Warmind, and much, much more.
[u][b]Post Summary[/b][/u]
In this post I plan on providing my opinion on the Warmind / Community, and a small taste of the bot for YOU the viewer, to intrigue you to check it out for yourself.
[u][b]Feedback - Community / Developers[/b][/u]
Firstly, ill talk about the community and the developers behind the Warmind. The community is very welcoming to new members, and they are always happy to help you out if you ever seem to be puzzled about a feature within the Warmind, or if you can't exactly figure out the correct syntax to run the desired command. Same thing goes for the developers, they are extremely welcoming to new members, and they aren't like your typical developers where they are always on their high horse and think they are better than you. They are always lurking in the chat when they are not coding the Warmind, staying in contact with the community, with the added benefit of them being hermits like us grinding Destiny 2 in their free time.
[u][b]Feedback - Charlemagne the Warmind / Bot[/b][/u]
As for feedback on the bot, it runs really smoothly within your Discord, really quick response time between inputting a command and the Warmind outputting the specified result. Also if you have other bots within your Discord server don't worry about prefixes clashing, the developers have provided you with 2 methods of changing the Warminds prefix either by the Warminds website, or internally via commands inside the Discord. The Warmind is practically always up, it is very, very rare that the bot goes down and when it does its only down briefly. The commands the Warmind provides are also well presented via the help command, so you should be able to figure out the syntax of the command fairly easily by searching through the help command.
[u][b]Command Taster[/b][/u]
Here I will preview some of the commands the Warmind features:
Input - [b]!register[/b]
Output - [url=https://i.imgur.com/9z3pmKX.png]Register Command Preview - Step 1[/url] , [url=https://i.imgur.com/WNHBhya.png]Register Command Preview - Step 2[/url]
Input - [b]!help[/b]
Output - [url=https://i.imgur.com/vXLcXII.png]Help Command Preview[/url]
Input - [b]!pvp[/b]
Output - [url=https://i.imgur.com/oQrD4WL.png]PvP Command Preview[/url]
Input - [b]!pve[/b]
Output - [url=https://i.imgur.com/M5kDGpB.png]PvE Command Preview[/url]
Input - [b]!loadout[/b]
Output - [url=https://i.imgur.com/kqCc5UR.png]Loadout Command Preview[/url]
Input - [b]!rep[/b]
Output - [url=https://i.imgur.com/PlmJFVc.png]Reputation Command Preview[/url]
Input - [b]!nightfall[/b]
Output - [url=https://i.imgur.com/hojHl87.png]Nightfall Command Preview[/url]
Input - [b]!lfg[/b]
Output - [url=https://i.imgur.com/02Tjrqo.png]LFG Command Preview[/url]
[b]Notice[/b] that some of the commands have "reactions" at the bottom, that is how you can navigate that command with ease.
Official Charlemagne Website : [url]https://warmind.io/[/url]
Official Charlemagne Discord : [url]https://discord.gg/FJFH5Qf[/url]
[i]You can chat with the community, report bugs, request features, test the Warmind before adding it to your server, and keep up with new features and bug fixes being rolled out.[/i]
Official Charlemagne Twitter : [url]https://twitter.com/Charlemagne_Bot[/url]
[i]Keep up to date on new features being added to the Warmind.[/i]
I hope this intrigues you to come over and check the Warmind out. Thanks for reading.
What even is this.