Currently looking for some fairly active players. We're all willing to help with Raid, nightfall, farming, whatever u need. People who would just rather play solo are welcome, too! We aren't too strict, u won't be kick if you don't wanna participate in group activities :) currently level 3 and moving up quickly. Casual players welcome! A lot of members are big on crucible and raid activities.
Edited by MadManHydra: 10/7/2017 7:31:29 AMwould like to join sounds like a good clan main: Light 263, just finished the game, titan striker/ sunbraker, not so much striker.... .... ...dont relly know what to say asides from on whenever i can which is usally weekends, sometimes during the week. Can I please join? Gamertag: GhostKiller902 dont really like to use mic but i will if need be